One of the most interesting things about Star Wars is that it is not Science Fiction.  It's Space Fantasy.  The Star Wars Universe is vast and made up of thousands of worlds and cultures.  One of the unique style concepts in Star Wars is the juxtaposing of the ancient with high tech.  This gives you a great deal of latitude when looking for miniatures for your Star Wars games.  You can use miniatures from other fantasy and sci-fi lines and they will still look good for Star Wars because Star Wars has so many looks.  Fantasy magic users become force adepts or Jedi with simple conversions.  Sci-fi troopers or adventures can be used for Player Characters or bad guys.  Aliens can be used as aliens and critters can be used as critters.  You can write up your own stats for new races.  I have a race called the Nhym that I made up because I have Clan War ratlings and my friends have Skaven from Warhammer Fantasy Battles.  They are a primitive rat-like race from an outer rim planet.  Below are some minis I have used in my games from non-Star Wars lines.
Kuni Yori Here is from Alderac Entertainments Clan War line.  The line is out of production by Reaper is bringing it back to use in Oriental role-playing game.  Mr. Yori had made a number of VIP appearances in my game as a Villain or and Important noble in rescue scenarios.  Because so much of Star Wars design is based on Asian design he fits right in.
This necromancer is from Reapers Dark Heaven line.  She could easily be used as a dark side force adept or a Night Sister of Dathomir.  With a minor conversion she could even be a very nice dark Jedi.
I've used this miniature to represent a crime lords slave girl.  That's probably the best and only good use for this miniature in Star wars.  It's a mini from Doppleganger USA which is a small company that is fairly new to the miniature scene.

    That's just a small sampling of examples and they are all from fantasy lines.  You can easily find minis to satisfy a wide variety of miniature needs.  

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