Hello and welcome to "Star Wars Adventures in Miniature".  This page is dedicated to the use of miniatures in Star Wars role playing games.  There are many pages devoted to Star Wars role playing for both the new D20 system by Wizards of the Coast and the old D6 system by West End Games.  I have not designed this page to favor either system.  Though I now play the D20 version I have played the D6 version.  I hope that players of either system will get equal use out of the materials here.
     I do not intend to make this page a one person effort.  I hope to build a community of Star Wars gamers who use or are interested in using miniatures in their games.  If you have ideas for this page please send them to me at: armour@iland.net.  I'm looking for articles for all sections of the page.  If you have; done a conversion, built a piece of terrain, sculpted a miniature, found a new source of minis that fit the Star Wars style, or if you just want to show off your own minis please let me know so I can include the information.  All contributors will receive full credit for their ideas.
     In the future I plan to add a forum so we can share our ideas more easily.  I may also add other features such as want adds so we can sell and trade miniatures for Star Wars.  I'm also open to suggestions for new features.  Please let me know if you have any ideas that might improve the page.

Thank you and happy gaming.
Nathan Miller

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